Sea Ranch Club Condo Residence

  • Location Boca Raton, FL
  • Area 2400 square feet
  • Year 2020
  • Team Architecture: Salto Architecture
    Interior Design: Telma Gordon
    MEP Engineering: RCI Engineering
    Contractor: Terrano Plumbing and Remodeling
  • Testimonial "We embarked on a very big project after buying a 2,400 square foot property in Boca Raton, FL. Since it was our first time remodeling an apartment we were looking for a good architect and someone we could rely on as a trusted advisor during the execution of the project. We found in Mauricio someone with all the skills we were looking for: creativity, adaptability, confidence and attention to detail. Mauricio is someone you can rely on. He was with us every step of the way. We appreciate very much everything he did for us."

The clients purchased this three bedroom condo unit in need of major upgrades. A full interior renovation including opening up the kitchen towards the living area and improving the general flow between spaces. No corner was left untouched.

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L’Hermitage Condo Residence