Pine Tree Drive Residence

  • Location Miami Beach, FL
  • Area 370 square feet addition
  • Year 2018
  • Team Architecture: Salto Architecture
    Interior Design: Vida Studios
    Structural Engineering: Tabio Engineering Corporation
    MEP Engineering: Tabio Engineering Corporation
    Renders: Vida Studios
  • Testimonial "Working with Mauricio and the Salto Architecture team has been an extreme pleasure. The quality of work and attention to detail is top notch. Their input and ideas have added tremendous value to the project, and we are thankful to have had the opportunity to work with them. We are already excited about our next project together soon!"

New covered terrace with BBQ counter and balcony above. The clients were looking for a space where they could entertain and enjoy the outdoor lifestyle. The result was a new covered terrace with BBQ counter and balcony above.

Next project

Ridgewood Road Residence